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a question for Mr. Q users


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Which would you use first, the physical science or the chemistry for a 5th grader? She's already had life science and earth science, and typically I would have thought the sequence would be chemistry and then physical science. But the age ranges Mr. Q lists for chemistry is 8-12 and the age ranges he lists for physical is 7-12. So does that mean the physical science is easier and the chemistry is better left for 6th grade? Thanks!

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We just finished Chemistry and I felt it was absolutely perfect for my (advanced) 3rd grader.


We have completed Mr. Q Life, Earth and Chemistry, but we haven't done Physical yet.  In glancing through it, in some ways it does appear a little less intimidating than Chemistry - they seem to have a similar number of vocab words, but in Chemistry many are things like Deuterium and Technetium-99, while in Physical science many are things like magnet and echo.  Physical science also has about one chapter per unit devoted to the body (how joints are simple machines, how hearing uses sound, how sight uses light, etc) which IMO make it feel a little lighter than all the abstract concepts in Chemistry.


OTOH, there are two things I noticed in Physical Science.  1) As I was flipping through, I noticed mentions of many vocab words and concepts that we learned about in Chemistry.  I think having completed Chemistry will be an advantage as we go through Physical Science.  And 2) There is a bit more math in Physical Science.  Chemistry was almost all conceptual with barely a number in sight.  Physical science starts with a chapter on the metric system and scientific notation and then seems to be a lot of "700 Newtons" this and "300 million Hertz" that.


Let me know if you have any other questions.  I have both Chemistry and Physical Science sitting here and can give you any other details that might help you decide.



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Thank you, that helps! I was hoping for someone who had actually used them :)


I actually already have them as pdf files on my computer  :tongue_smilie: (the curriculum hopping thread is timely lol) I bought them several years ago because I thought I'd use them with my DD when she was in 5th/6th, but then ended up using something else. Now that my next DD is getting ready to be in 5th and I'm not as happy with our current science as I could be, I'm looking at going back to Mr. Q. Just briefly looking through them on my computer screen, I have the same impressions you do. I might have to look at the particular vocabulary in each one to compare. I had the impression that he published the physical science one first, so maybe the chemistry one builds on that foundation?


This DD is a science lover, but I wouldn't call her advanced, just interested. I hope it's not too easy for her?

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Thank you, that helps! I was hoping for someone who had actually used them :)


I actually already have them as pdf files on my computer  :tongue_smilie: (the curriculum hopping thread is timely lol) I bought them several years ago because I thought I'd use them with my DD when she was in 5th/6th, but then ended up using something else. Now that my next DD is getting ready to be in 5th and I'm not as happy with our current science as I could be, I'm looking at going back to Mr. Q. Just briefly looking through them on my computer screen, I have the same impressions you do. I might have to look at the particular vocabulary in each one to compare. I had the impression that he published the physical science one first, so maybe the chemistry one builds on that foundation?


This DD is a science lover, but I wouldn't call her advanced, just interested. I hope it's not too easy for her?


I think it easily could be.


When you really get down to it, the chapters are really, really short.  I just copied a random chapter from Physical Science, and the whole chapter only had 648 words.  They are in a big, non-threatening font and spread out over a half dozen pages, but you can only cover so much in less 650 words.


For us, the sweet spot for Mr. Q Life and Earth Science seems to be around 2nd grade and 3rd for Chemistry and, I think, Physical Science.  My first grader did Chemistry with his older brother this year, and while he certainly did not fully grasp all of the abstract concepts, he did very well reading it, answering comprehension questions and doing the activities.


Next year the boys will be in 2nd and 4th, and I think Physical Science will probably actually be too easy for the fourth grader.  We're still going to do it; I like the format, the comprehension questions, the labs, etc. and I think a light science year will be good for him since he will be spending a lot of time on writing.



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I think it easily could be.


When you really get down to it, the chapters are really, really short.  I just copied a random chapter from Physical Science, and the whole chapter only had 648 words.  They are in a big, non-threatening font and spread out over a half dozen pages, but you can only cover so much in less 650 words.


For us, the sweet spot for Mr. Q Life and Earth Science seems to be around 2nd grade and 3rd for Chemistry and, I think, Physical Science.  My first grader did Chemistry with his older brother this year, and while he certainly did not fully grasp all of the abstract concepts, he did very well reading it, answering comprehension questions and doing the activities.


Next year the boys will be in 2nd and 4th, and I think Physical Science will probably actually be too easy for the fourth grader.  We're still going to do it; I like the format, the comprehension questions, the labs, etc. and I think a light science year will be good for him since he will be spending a lot of time on writing.



Do you have your eye on anything that you're planning on doing after Mr. Q that I should check out? I've skipped around in elementary science so much ... we've tried Apologia, God's Design, Mr. Q, Science in the Beginning, Magic School Bus, Janice Van Cleave books, and probably others I've forgotten. We really like Apologia for middle school and high school, but I struggle with something for elementary that will prepare them well for it :(

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Do you have your eye on anything that you're planning on doing after Mr. Q that I should check out? I've skipped around in elementary science so much ... we've tried Apologia, God's Design, Mr. Q, Science in the Beginning, Magic School Bus, Janice Van Cleave books, and probably others I've forgotten. We really like Apologia for middle school and high school, but I struggle with something for elementary that will prepare them well for it :(


I'm pretty sure my oldest is going to move on to R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey level 2 in 5th.  He will have completed all four Mr. Q courses and be ready to start back at Biology, which is one of the two RSO level 2 books available.  The other is Astronomy, so no Chemistry or Physical Science for now.


You could consider Mr. Q's advanced Chem, which he lists for ages 12-18.  It is still on my short list, but I don't think I would be as happy with it as I have been with his elementary books.


In your shoes, I would probably just use the Mr. Q chemistry you have a beef it up a little.  I've heard great things about Ellen McHenry.  I think we are going to do The Elements this summer.


Or, what about Rainbow Science?  We won't be using it because of the Christian content, but that may not be an issue for you.  I really liked the look of it, and if it had been secular I very well might have chosen it.



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