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Flylady support thread for Saturday December 30...

3 ladybugs

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Good morning Flyminds! 


Welcome to the Flylady support thread. To find out what Flylady is: http://www.flylady.net/ You can also find people on YouTube if you search for it.


We have completed the baby steps found here: http://forums.welltr...nday-october-1/

We have also completed a Building a Control Journal series found here: http://forums.welltr...-16-tue-oct-24/

If you would like to share your small accomplishments on instagram, please do so at #wtmflylady


We will start the baby steps again January 1, 2018! So if you are a lurker, find us then!


This week the Flylady is focused on Zone 5 the Living Room. 


Saturday - Family Fun Day!

Saturday at FlyLady is especially fun because it’s the day we have Family Fun Time! This a special time just for you and your loved ones to spend time renewing your relationships with each other. Your week has been busy and time has been limited, so spending some special time with your family is so very important today. Here are some great Family Fun Time ideas for you:

  • A movie at the local theater

  • A picnic in the park

  • A few games at the bowling alley

  • Family Board Game Night

There are endless possibilities for you and your family to share.

Today's Mission (We only have missions Monday through Friday): None
Fly Kids Mission (We only have missions Monday through Friday): None
Holiday Clean Up mission - Today you need to take the time to clean up the Holiday leftovers. As in the Holiday food that is leftover in your kitchen that you just haven’t gotten rid of yet. It might be stale cookies or the little ziploc bag of turkey that has been pushed to the back of the refrigerator!! The last piece of pie that no one is going to eat or the mashed potatoes that are now on their way to becoming a science project. Take 15 minutes to get rid them!
If you are new to Flylady, please join at any time. There is no better time then now to learn to keep your house clean the easy way! 
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My to do list for today:

  • Breakfast
  • lunch
  • dinner
  • snack
  • hot spot bedroom
  • Get ready for step 3 on Accountable Kids
  • lesson plan (need at least 3 weeks planned)
  • organize pantry (can't find anything in there!)
  • fix blanket
  • update blog
  • measure window sill height to see if Costco shelf would fit
  • Laundry
  • exercise   :scared:
  • Take CPR class

I started preparing my blog for the Flylady Baby Steps. I know my mom is interested a bit in this and maybe my mother-in-law would like it. With my blog I will be updating it the night before so I think I will be updating this the night before. I think in order to keep this thread going for everyone, I will post twice. The top post (thread starter) will have all of the daily missions and such in it. The second post will have the baby steps that we are working on. That way you can find what you need right away. As always we can continue with our lists to do everyday (so I guess I will have 3 posts at the beginning! Nothing like a spammer!  :lol: ).


Let me know if you think I should do this another way. 

Edited by 3 ladybugs
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I'm clueless how to organize all of that. Bless you for putting forth the effort. :)


My big project for the day is to rework my control journal, specifically my cleaning lists. Some things have changed and some things were left out although I don't know how that happened!


My zone cleaning is finished. DH noticed the living room and complimented me. When I told him I even got on the stepladder and did the shelves way up high, he was mightily impressed. The layer of dust up there was incredible. I can't remember the last time I cleaned those shelves!


DH's project for today is to finish culling through the DVDs so we can donate unused ones. I pulled out all the ones I want to get rid of and left his personal ones in the drawer. He'll go through what I've taken out to see if there is anything he wants to keep, them he'll go through his stuff which I get to go through as well.


Hall bathroom tidy

Master bathroom tidy

Wipe down kitchen counters and stove

Plan dinner

Go to the store to buy ingredients to cook dinner


AND, if DH and I feel really ambitious today, we'll go through our saved bill stubs and other paperwork and pull old ones to shred them. We tend to keep stuff longer than we really need to and I don't know why. People are going paperless so how we still have lots of paper I don't know. 


Finally, I'll once more attempt to do some cleaning in dd's room. She goes back to school on January 2nd so I don't have much longer to get her to clean that room. I'm not allowed in it when she's not home and I respect her privacy. Yesterday we talked about cleaning some of it and she said she does want to do it but she's always tired. This is due to a combination of her depression and medication. She said we'd try today since she has nothing to do all day. So I have to be ready to help when she feels ready to start.

Edited by Night Elf
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Beth look at that zone cleaning thing I just got. https://www.etsy.com/listing/573343611/zone-cleaning-planner-cleaning-schedule?ref=hp_rv It is really great! I colored mine and it has plenty of room for all items that I would need to do in each zone. If you would like I can try to make a video of it really quick. 



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Beth look at that zone cleaning thing I just got. https://www.etsy.com/listing/573343611/zone-cleaning-planner-cleaning-schedule?ref=hp_rv It is really great! I colored mine and it has plenty of room for all items that I would need to do in each zone. If you would like I can try to make a video of it really quick. 


oh thank you, I appreciate the offer, but it's too much for me. I've just got my lists in my household binder and they're easy to see and follow. I just needed to change some things like take off the kids' rooms and add the library instead. I also took off the exercise because that's obviously not going to happen anytime soon. :)

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I usually edit my post striking through chores completed but that doesn't bump the thread. Then I got to go find it again! :)


I got an extra thing accomplished today. I wrote out a meal plan for this week so I could add the ingredients to my grocery list. We do our big grocery shopping on Sunday mornings at Walmart. Then I just go to Kroger or Publix to pick up an item here and there throughout the week. It took a while to put the plan together but 3 of the days were done for me because we're getting a Hello Fresh box this week. It sure is nice seeing that piece of paper on the refrigerator so I no longer have to wrack my brain trying to think of what I want for dinner each night. I was also able to write on it when to take out frozen meat for two days later when I'll need it for a meal.


DH didn't seem enthusiastic about culling through our old paperwork. That might not get done this week. I can't do it on my own because sometimes he saves stuff that I wouldn't think to save.


Hope everyone is having a Happy Saturday!

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I am just about done with today. I am going to update my blog, but with the snow today (they said a dusting, it was at least 3-4 inches) and the CPR class not to mention we exercised today, I am exhausted. Thank goodness I had the coffee with dinner or I would be asleep right now. 


I did talk to DH and we decided that contrary to what Flylady says, we are going to rotate between our pantry and refrigerator every month (so each will be hit every 2 months) and clean it out. Normally it is being done every 6 months to a year (pantry year, refrigerator every 6 months... sometimes less) so this would be an improvement. 


Tomorrow church is later so I will post a new thread in the morning. :)


Beth I think you should go through the paperwork and save what you know needs to be saved and anything you would toss, put in a pile for your DH to go through. Then put that stack in a box and give it to your DH. He can deal with it and it isn't cluttering whatever you are trying to declutter! ;) I have actually done this before... though it is better to do things together. 

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Beth I think you should go through the paperwork and save what you know needs to be saved and anything you would toss, put in a pile for your DH to go through. Then put that stack in a box and give it to your DH. He can deal with it and it isn't cluttering whatever you are trying to declutter! ;) I have actually done this before... though it is better to do things together. 


It's a filing box. We have folders for each of our expenses and when we pay a bill, the stub goes into it's own folder. Then there is the miscellaneous file that is a catch all. That's the one I'd prefer he go through. Personally I don't see a need to keep all that stuff. Very little is ever looked at again. 

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