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Crochet or knitting?

Night Elf

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I like knitting because I like they way it looks better. However, I'm perfectionistic, and dropping stitches happens and it became too Frustrating for me to fix.


So, now I knit on looms. They are limited, but you can do some creative things with them. There is no risk for me of dropping stitches. They make rectangular looms for scarves. And they are cheap, about $10 at Walmart for a set.


Another bonus is they are biggish, so small stitches are not a problem, and they are easy to manipulate (one hand to hold the loom, one hand to wrap and knit).

Loom-knitter here! LOVE loom-knitting! I love it for this same reason - it is easier to fix a mistake on a loom than on needles.


I have been LKing for close to two years now and I love trying new ideas and intricate stitches. I lose anything by Isela Phelps - she is masterful!

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I haven't gotten a response back from the leader of the group so it looks like I'm not going. I don't just want to show up with nothing in my hands. Besides, no one else RSVP'd so I'm assuming she won't go if she thinks she'll be the only person.


Maybe I should try to learn some stuff on the internet so I'm not a total novice. I need to look into this more. I can't wait to get my magnifying glass I ordered because I'll be happy as a lark if I can start cross stitching again.


There's also a sewing group that meets at the library once a month. They say beginners welcome too. Here's their description:


Fiber arts includes knitting, crocheting, sewing, needlepoint, and any other activity that uses fiber or fabric. Bring your current project or simply grab your needles, yarn, hook, spinning wheel, and patterns to join in the fiber arts fun.

Well, you can do fiber arts with cross stitch once you have magnifying glasses. It's still meeting up with people.

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I agree, they are pretty equal learning curves. Both will feel terribly awkward until they suddenly don't.


Regardless of which you choose, don't start with a scarf!! And don't even look at the afghans for the first year or two. Start with a dishcloth or a hot pad. Then a hat. A scarf seems benign, but it goes on and on and on....

A coaster!!! I can finish a coaster!

I have many scarf projects started...



I like crocheting much better than knitting.

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