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testing obnoxiousness level of signature

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Skill areas (daily): Lively Latin, Song School Latin, Hey Andrew; Singapore Math with supplements, Math-It, Time4Learning Math; Pianimals;

off the cuff, experimental personally meaningful reading and writing including narration and copywork; Mnemosyne;

Content areas (weekly): Oak Meadow Earth Science, LivingMath Q1C2, SOTW2, Norse myth, Arthurian legend, and the Mabinogion, Artistic Pursuits K-2 Book 2

Edited by dragons in the flower bed
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Well, I like the graphic, but I dislike signatures that are bigger than post content. Maybe if I vow to be perpetually long-winded, it will look better. The problem with talking on and on about whatever occurs to me in a Dostyevsky-esque (is that how you would form that word, or should it be "word"?) style is that I will lose readers. I will even lose myself on those occasions when my point is misinterpreted by a reader and dissected line by line, causing me to have to go back and reread my post to figure out what I actually meant, but since I can't go ten seconds without, "Mama, open these for me, please?" I will get distracted and discombobulated and not be able to figure out what I meant, which is probably what happened to the reader who misinterpreted my meaning, too. Ooh, there's my epiphany for the day. See? Run on sentences have a spiritual result. They're not always bad. Epiphanies like that are a spiritual experience. Now I have a religious exemption to proper grammar. My state law specifically exempts homeschoolers from any teaching requirement that is in conflict with their religious values. I value epiphany. Our laws don't require grammar instruction, however. They require that we teach reading, writing, spelling, and the English language. As I have proved by my many flubbed-up posts on this board, no knowledge of grammar is necessary to write.

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