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PS curriculum question (Houghton Mifflin & Breakthrough to Literacy)

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For language arts our public school uses:


Houghton Mifflin Reading Series

Breakthrough to Literacy

Project Read



I've been trying to find online reviews on these and am not coming up with much. Is anyone familiar with these? Any info you can share? DS is homeschooled right now but may be going to public school in the next year or two so Im curious how the programs measure up.




The district also uses these:


For handwriting they use Handwriting Without Tears (not my favorite but ok for printing...I do not like the way they do cursive though). Id rather use a different program but wonder if doing so would confuse DS if/when he goes to school?


For math: Scott Foresman-Addison Wesley Investigations (didnt read good reviews on this). We are using some math workbooks from the local teacher store but will be ordering Singapore Earlybird soon. DS seems to have a pretty good grasp on math so far

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