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If you use Holt Biology - labs?

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I've read so many threads here today my head is spinning. I know where I can order lab materials, I just wonder how much I need (limited budget)?


If we use all their digital tools (which is what the local public charters use - no hands on lab work at all), plus the home "kitchen labs" plus a dissection kit and lab manual, but don't order a microscope/supplies to go with it, is that enough for basic 9th grade biology? I know there are many online microscope/lab options, and I'm assuming that Holt's online tools must include some of that ... just trying to fit my head around what exactly to order. So many of the lab kits include microscope work, but I've seen a dissection only kit at Sonlight. Other suggestions for me? 


(I have an 8th and 9th grader who are not particularly sciencey thus far, but solid A-B students, and I'm trying to keep the "go to college" door open without breaking the bank.)


If I just absolutely need to get a microscope, I need to hear that, too, just wondering if anyone has awarded lab credit based on the digital labs and dissection alone, and how that went.


Thanks for any help!


ETA, I see Ebay has used Amscope (40x-1000x Biological Science Student Compound Microscope)

for $50. If that would be adequate for most labs, with a kit like the ones from Quality Science Labs, I might be able to swing that. Realistic or no?

Edited by Lightly Salted
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I would personally want my children to do at least one lab with an actual microscope, to get a feel for using one. Could you ask around within your local community about borrowing one for just one or two labs? If you know someone who has one and would let you come over and use it you could get the microscope experience without the cost.

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So I do have some leads on a used microscope; I really do want to have one if at all possible. Thanks for responding!


I would personally want my children to do at least one lab with an actual microscope, to get a feel for using one. Could you ask around within your local community about borrowing one for just one or two labs? If you know someone who has one and would let you come over and use it you could get the microscope experience without the cost.


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