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From Latin Prep 1: LFC, LA, or First Form?


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My daughter has been using Latin Prep I for the last two years.  She has made slow, but steady progress.  It's not too hard for her, but she drags her feet with the writing portion.  And I have to hold her hand to do it.  I would like something that pushes drill more (something not me).  She'd love it to be a bit more incremental.  


I really like the look of CAP's programs because they don't look as dry.  If I went this route, would I start her with LFC and try and push her through A and B within one year? She's gone over the first three declensions (she's pretty strong with the first two), past imperfect, perfect tense, and past perfect.  She has a strong grammar base in English and can translate sentences well within the areas of Latin she has studied (both English to Latin and Latin to English).  Or should I place her directly in Latin Alive?  I think starting over as it were will be motivating and encouraging, but I don't want it to be too easy.  She would prefer the approach to be more incremental/spiral.  (Think: Saxon vs Singapore)


OR! I could start her with First Form Latin.  I am entertaining this one because it is so highly regarded.  Is LA just as well done?  I don't know that she'd like FFL because it feels like drill and kill and somewhat dry.  LA looks more fun...

Edited by blondeviolin
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