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Trigger thumb surgery. Recovery?

Plateau Mama

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Has anyone had trigger finger surgery done? I'm wondering what the recovery is like from someone who has BTDT. I'm looking to travel 10 days or so after the surgery. The Dr. says it will be fine but before I start booking atuff I want to know if I will really be up for it. Trip would be a week and a half or so and about 1/2 of those would be driving long distances (1.5-3 hours).


Am I crazy?

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I think you will be fine. 


My hand was bandaged for a week, at which point my stitches came out and I could get it wet, but not do dishes if that makes sense.

I had to be careful of the site as you would any wound during recovery.  I had some pain, but nothing Aleve didn't care of. At 10 days you might need help with a few things, like getting dressed.  I do think you should  be okay for a trip.

My Dr. had me putting Vitamin E oil on the wound area and massaging it.  I just left the oil on my bathroom counter and every time I washed my hands, I put some oil on it and gave it a massage.  It was to avoid a nasty scar. 

Thumb surgery is in the joint where the thumb attaches to the hand, finger surgery is more in the palm of the hand.  ( My friend had finger surgery shortly before I had thumb surgery.)



I had some complications that were totally out of the norm and threw my Dr. for a loop at first.  My thumb was numb for a few months, but gradually got better. During that time it ached and did not  like getting cold.

I also had no strength in my thumb.  I could not open jars, or push the button on a remote.  I did some PT at home with Play Doh.  However, I will stress this was not normal.  Who knows why I get the complicated recovery, but I did.


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Well, I have no stength and can't open jars right now anyway. Ive been dealing with it for a couple of years and was supposed to get surgery in December but havent been able to until now. My dr only does these one day a month so it's been hard to find a date that works.


Glad to hear I should be ok. Last time I had something done I was told I'd be out of comission for a week and it was three (no complications).

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