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EdX Algebra with VideoText?

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Would EdX Introduction to Algebra be overkill as a supplement to VideoText? Do you feel VT needs a supplement? If you were to use these 2 together would you do EdX first or mix it in?


I was very happy with VT for prealgebra and my son didn't hate math but he's an overthinker and takes forever. I do find mastery works better for this kids, but recall later is an issue. He did well on the Stanford 10 test at the end of this year, but it was stressful because it took him so long. He will not guess *sigh*

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I have used and like both resources. Dd did EdX Intro to Algebra first in 8th grade as part of her Algebra 1, then she did Videotext in 9th which will provide an Algebra 2 credit. I don't think VT need supplements in the instruction area (although some kids may need more practice problems), and EdX was light on practice, so I don't think that EdX would add anything to VT, necessarily. Where I think EdX is good is for a kid who is doing a text-based program on their own or at home with mom, without other video-based teaching, because it does a nice job with the teaching.


I have found VT to be a great stand-alone program. This is the first time in my homeschooling life I haven't felt the need to supplement, add resources, or follow multiple curricula. It's been quite liberating!

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I have used and like both resources. Dd did EdX Intro to Algebra first in 8th grade as part of her Algebra 1, then she did Videotext in 9th which will provide an Algebra 2 credit. I don't think VT need supplements in the instruction area (although some kids may need more practice problems), and EdX was light on practice, so I don't think that EdX would add anything to VT, necessarily. Where I think EdX is good is for a kid who is doing a text-based program on their own or at home with mom, without other video-based teaching, because it does a nice job with the teaching.


I have found VT to be a great stand-alone program. This is the first time in my homeschooling life I haven't felt the need to supplement, add resources, or follow multiple curricula. It's been quite liberating!


Great thank you! It has been a lifesaver for me as he wants me to have nothing to do with his math instruction!

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