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STEM/Career Tech programs and selective colleges


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My sophomore son has been encouraged to apply to a public high school STEM/career tech type program that is suppose to be top in the nation (I'm assuming for public schools-this is all new to me). It emphasizes engineering, manufacturing and robotics with classes in college level calculus and physics.

The program is around 50% public school enrollment so he can still do some homeschooling courses. He's not sure what he what he wants to go into or where he wants to go to college, but aviation, aeronautical engineering, biochemistry, physics, mechanical engineering and football coaching are his interests.


I know many of these programs are geared to sending kids right into the workforce after high school. How would the Ivies, colleges like Hillsdale and Grove City or the Air Force Academy look at such a program for the junior and senior high school years? I know I would need to make sure he's not getting cut short in the Language Arts.



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They've had grads go to MIT, Cornell, military academys, polytechnic institutes and lots of other 4 year universities.

It looks like grads from colleges go on to engineering...

I'm not sure how many go straight to the workforce after h.s. yet.


When we visited, the kids seemed especially bright and happy to learn there.

It is totally separate from the career tech program, which is more vocational in nature. And at least at this career tech, the kids did not seem academically motivated.

My understanding is that on a public h.s. transcript it won't say he went to a STEM academy, but the classes are merely listed.

I'm sure if it has a good rep, I could note it in his homeschool transcript. (He's dual enrolled at the public school but still has homeschool courses.)


Thanks again for any input!

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I think I understand the type of program you are talking about. There is something similar near where we live. Ours would have been great for my engineering son, but the school day ended later than the other schools so he would have had to give up sports.


I can't imagine why any university would look down upon this. It shows commitment and focus. It also would provide some wonderful engaging activities that most applicants would not have been exposed to.


I know that Grove City loves homeschoolers and is very proud of its engineering program. I think they would love the part-time engineering program/part-time homeschool blend.

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