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Finished Linney's Latin, what next?


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We are finished with Getting Started with Latin by Linney which my 9 year old daughter loved but what next? I don't want an expensive program, or a Christian one, or also one with war as the main topic. Does anyone have a suggestion? We usually study Latin 2-3 times a week.


Thank you for any help.

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GSWL is a great intro to Lingua Latina by Orberg. It is *fabulous* and teaches a ton more vocab and grammar than similar programs, and is far more enjoyable. It gets to be hard work (especially by about chapter 12), but in our experience, it is well worth it.


I recommend using Lingua Latina: Familia Romana, with the College Companion to help you out with grammar points and vocab, and also Exercitia Latina (and its answer key). Those materials will last you a lonnnnng time (figure maybe 3 years or longer). This is a program where you read and reread and reread the chapters, and every time you understand it better. It is fun to read, and by chapter two you meet the Roman family and then by chapter three the brother and sister are having a conflict and they call mom, etc... It is a fun read and very rewarding as your language skills grow. You and your DD can check out the first few chapters in the pdf version online and you will see what I mean (google lingua latina familia romana pdf and you should be able to find it).

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We moved to the Big Book of Lively Latin and added Ankiapp for spaced flashcard review. We are half-way through the second book. There are history lessons in each chapter which do, by necessity, cover important wars and conflicts, but we haven't found it to be too much, and some people skip the history portions altogether.


We started 4 days a week, then bumped it up to 5 days a week, but I think in the end it will take us about 30 months to finish. That would mean you would have the continuity of doing the same program over the next 3 or 4 years. Then you would be done with a Latin 1 class and could choose a different provider, or take a high school level class with a running start.


I will say that level 2 lessons take is notably longer to finish than level 1 did, although the format is essentially the same.


In our family Latin studies have really helped solidify the English grammar study we do elsewhere and also made our study of other languages easier. We will likely stop after this level and spend more time on our Spanish and German studies.


ETA: Tranquility7's approach is a good contrast to BBoLL. I think that program is much more immersive, while BBoLL is more (rigidly?) structured parts-to-whole. Obviously different approaches work better for different people. However, we both use Anki!

Edited by SusanC
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