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How to test reading levels


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Hello again! Is there an easy test that I can use with my girls to check their reading levels? In PS it was easy as each of their readers had a letter assigned to it with an end-of-year goal of getting to, say, L books. My girls are good readers but I want to make sure they are progressing. We are using ETC (and AAS) and I want to make sure it's sticking. ETC is starting to feel like busy work, and my girls are starting to groan when I pull it out, so I'm considering a switch for next year. That test would help me make that decision.

Edited by tdbates78
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Thank you! Very helpful!


Okay so now I have some concern. I did a few of the tests. They missed a few 1st grade words but read most of the 2nd grade words with no problem, which is kind of odd. We definitely need to work on silent e some more. I thought they knew that, but both of my girls missed every single one of the silent e words in the 40L test. If they read the word in the context of an entire sentence they don't have problems, so this was surprising to me.


I think I may switch up our phonics. I like ETC, and at first my girls loved it, but they are having more and more problems with the pictures (which aren't always easy to figure out, even for me) and some of the vocabulary that isn't widely used. We are over halfway through book 5. I know AAS also reinforces phonics rules. We just started last month so we are on lesson 9 today. I'm thinking about switching to something like Phonics Pathways or Plaid Phonics. Thoughts?

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