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how to use a 4 year History program in 2-3 years...

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Next year my 2 oldest kids will be a sophomore and junior.  When my dd was in 9th grade, she did world geography.  This year, both my son as a Freshman and my daughter as a sophomore did Notgrass Government.  


So as I am looking in to what to do next year...I figure world and US history is what needs to happen.  I started looking at Biblioplan http://www.biblioplan.net/p/welcome-to-biblioplan.html


and really like it...but it's a 4 year program...and I only have 2 years with my daughter and 3 with my son.  


If I were to use this, does anybody have any great ideas as to how it could be done?  Maybe you did something similar...


or should I completely abort the idea because it just can't happen. 


I have another kid...8th grader next year...so whatever I buy, I will have one more chance of having him go through the entire program...for what that is worth.





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I think doing it in three years might be doable, but two years would be pretty tough.  For high school the core of the plan would be reading the companion, doing the cool history questions, then (possibly optional) maps and timeline.  All years have 34 weeks.  The Ancients Companion is shorter, but we are doing year two right now and each chapter is about twenty pages long.  It takes 3-4 days to get through each week even if you only read the companion and answer cool history questions.  So unless you have very fast readers or very motivated history learners, I think doing it all in 2 years would not work well.


Have you considered doing the Notgrass History books - that would fit into the two years you have available.

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