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Whatour best detox/cleansing/drop 5 lbs. in 5 days diet?

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fruit flush plan designed by Jay Robb. I'll explain it more in a bit.


Hi, I'm back! Ok, here's the fruit flush plan. If you want more info, google the name.


It lasts 3 days. A weekend starting on a Fri. is a good time to start. Don't do any exercise or cardio stuff during the 3 days. A headache is not uncommon at first, but once you get going your body adjusts.


Day 1: Protein Drink consisting of 1.25 c. high quality whey or egg white protein powder mixed/blended with 1 quart of water. The protein powder shouldn't contain any fillers, sugar, artificial sweetners, etc. Stevia is ok. Don't add any fruit. Store the drink in the fridge and shake or reblend before each glass.


8am 6oz. of protein drink


10am 6 oz. of protein drink


12 pm 6oz. of protein drink


2pm 6 oz. of protein drink


4pm 6 oz. of protein drink


6pm Food! 3-6 cups of raw veggie/lettuce greens salad with 1-2 Tbl. Olive oil of Flax seed oil and juice of half lemon or lime. You also get 3-6 oz. of lean meat such as chicken, turkey, beef or fish or 4-8 egg whites cooked in 1 tspl olive oil.


Drink lots of water throughout the day in between "meals"


Day2-3: Fruit galore, but no juice or dried fruit allowed. 2 cups of most kind of fresh fruit is considered a serving. 1 med. banana, 3 peaches/nectarines, 1 large mango, 2 medium apples, a whole grapefruit, I think, constitutes a serving, too.


8am fruit serving


10am fruit serving


12pm fruit serving


2pm fruit serving


4pm fruit serving


6pm food!! 3-6 cups of raw veggie/lettuce greens salad with 1-2 tbls. Olive oil or flax oil or half an avocado and juice of half lemon or lime. You also get 12 oz. of water mixed/blended with 5 oz. high quality whey or egg white protein.


Make sure to drink water between meals.


I think you can actually stay on this for 9 days, but I wouldn't.


There is also the (in)famous cabbage soup diet. Google the name for details.


Good luck!

Edited by CactusPair
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