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RLTL (and other similar programs)


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My son (7) is currently using CLE Reading 1 and is doing ok but still struggling. He still does not know all of his phonograms and we are having to move very slowly through the program so he doesn't forget what we do learn. I am afraid he isn't really learning how to decode words at this point, although he can read with ease the ones listed in his program.


My dd (9) is using ELTL and we love it, so I am thinking of trying RLTL with ds.


My questions:


Is it difficult to teach children how to mark their words? My understanding is that RLTL is similar to the Spalding method in that respect.


How difficult is it to teach?


Does it take one year to move through one book?


Thanks in advance!

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RLTL and WRTR both seem very malleable. If you want to be bossed around I'd get Logic of English or All About Reading/Spelling. I did not find RLTL to be intimidating at all and have no problem recommending it. 


Ellie (our resident Spalding geek) would recommend you read WRTR volume 4 and use Spalding. If you PM her she's incredibly helpful.

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