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What program to follow MP First Start Reading?


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I've been using Memoria Press's First Start Reading program (with BOB book sets in between each FSR workbook for a mental break) with my kindergarten age twins this year. Next year, I'd like to move to something different rather than continue using MP for phonics instruction... it just hasn't been as successful as I would like and so I've been thinking about something else. I've thought about moving them into AAR and AAS or doing ETC workbooks. Has anyone moved on from FSR to another program and where has that landed you? For example, if you moved on to AAR which level were you in? I'm wondering if after completing FSR they would be past the AAR levels entirely and be able to just go into AAS, for example.


I have Teach Your Child To Read in 100 Easy Lessons but I didn't particularly care for it (from my point of view, I didn't actually try using it).


Thanks for any advice.

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Bju has a "phonics review" workbook and I started my son in that after fsr. With twenty minutes or so daily Reading. It was great. At some point, he just took off reading so we stopped that and began copywork. Daily reading goes steadily up til it's an hour.

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Have you looked at the AAR placement test? It should help you decide on which level. It might also depend on how many books you did. I know they have added to it but I think they had about four books when DS did it and he was using it along side AAR1. I think the last book only had a couple of pages on Silent E. He had started AAR1at about 5 and was not getting blending at all so I paused it and we used FSR which really helped it click for him. The FSR books were definitely not enough for him to skip AAR1. I'm not sure if there is a placement test for AAS but I think they recommend using it after completing AAR1 so the AAR placement test could help you decide. AAS starts off very gently and like AAR it's easy to speed up or slow down depending on where the child is. AAR has no writing so if your child liked the writing in FSR or if you want to continue that type of exercise definitely start ETC. I like it as extra practice on concepts and for writing practice. If your child places at a level for AAR I can't recommend it enough! He went from not being able to read cat to reading chapter books crazy quick thanks to AAR. He now asks for AAS everyday and I get in trouble if I'm rushing and try to skip it. It's also a great program.

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