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CLE or Lightning Literature?


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My dd in 5th is using CLE 5 for reading this year and I'm very happy with it.  I also have her reading novels constantly.  Each day she is assigned a certain amount of reading, then writes a short 3-4 sentence summary.  Once the book is finished, she writes a book report/ simple analysis.  

She is an extremely advanced reader and writer, and joyfully handles everything lit-related that I give her to do.  

Would we be better off sticking with this route next year for 6th grade, or moving her into something like Lightning Lit for the purpose of streamlining (only one reading program, rather than how we are essentially doing two currently)?

I know Lightning Lit is for 7th, but like I said, I'm confident she could handle it.  My long term loose plans include doing Excellence in Literature and units from Omnibus.

Btw, we don't use a separate writing program, just do it the WTM way.

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CLE does a much better job of teaching literary terms and vocabulary than Lightning Lit. The books used in Lightning Lit are great but the rest is lacking compared to CLE. I would keep using CLE and keep having her read other books as well. If you want to streamline things don't require the summaries and book reports for the other reading.


Susan in TX

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