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Bibliographies - what to cite?


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Apparently I stink at teaching this one thing because my oldest 2 have gone off to public school and have had a tendency to fail the bibliography component of writing assignments :(


So I have a couple of questions.


1. My 6th grader is writing a paper (for an outsourced class) on the negative impact Lincoln's Assassination had on the country. He will likely mention the Gettysburg Address as an example of his strong leadership but he won't quote it or explain it. Should he site the Gettysburg Address itself? We have an online source from the Library of Congress AND a kid's book that is just the speech, but I don't know whether it gets included. You don't have to read the speech to learn about its impact, but I'm leaning toward including the Library of Congress source being appropriate?


2. We use EasyBib.com around here quite a bit. When we site a news article reprinted on the web it puts in np or some other designation to indicate page numbers weren't provided. Can we just delete that? I would leave it in if it were actual missing information like a book we didn't know the publisher when clearly there was a publisher. But in this case there is no actual page number - at least not on the web re-print (eg New York Time article from 1865 or LA Time article from 2015).




Edited by brownie
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I think you would be best off in both cases to cite the online source and the date you looked at it. It looks like you can just copy and paste the web address into easybib.com and it will eventually get you what you need to put into the bibliography. Most styles (MLA, Chicago, etc.) have various ways of dealing with the citation of various electronic sources.

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