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Online Spanish Live Class- ISO


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I'm looking for a good, live-instruction, online Spanish class that meets at least 2-3 times a week. Any providers out there?


DS8 is currently taking an online class through BYU Online HS. Pretty disappointed with the quality. There had to be something better out there. Please help me locate it!

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I'm not sure if you're wanting a class with other students or if one-on-one with the teacher would be a good fit. Homeschool Spanish Academy is Skype lessons one on one with a native speaker. You pay for however many classes you wish to have and schedule them when they are convenient for you. My daughter is six years old and has been taking these classes for about a year and absolutely loves them.

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Ideally I'm looking for a class with other students. But if I can't find anything, one-on-one will have to do. I'm just amazed that I'm coming up empty on a common language. It seems like there would be a lot of online language classes.


Do the native speakers at Homeschool Spanish Acdemy follow a curriculum? Or is it just a place to practice talking?

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