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alligator heads

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Strange question...Does anyone know where I could find and alligator head/jaw for my kids? Actually in that regard a shark jaw would be great too. My kids love having things like this to examine, they are still examining the bones we found in the woods this past summer (1 rib, 1 vertebrae, 2 pieces of jaw)and I want to expand their science collection. THese 2 items afrom what I can tell are not available in Canada to buy, so does anyone know of a place in the US that sells them?


For the record, I am the wierd homeschooling mom with display cases of pinned bugs on my kitchen wall because that is where we do school and the kids think they are cool to have.

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We bought some small, 'dried' heads (skin and everything) when we went down to visit my relatives in Louisiana. It's a touristy thing (check the net). I think they were for decoration, but we let the kids have'em to play with. When we went Trick or Treating several years ago, ds put one in his bag to 'catch' the candy. Nearly scared one old lady half to death when she went to put the candy into the bag (she laughed after she realized it was dead, fortunately).


Not sure where to get the live ones. Pet store maybe?




thanks, I will see if I can find a location in louisiana. I am not interested in live ones, yikes, but dead ones are cool with me

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