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Which science to take in 10th grade?

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Looking for ideas for 10th grade science.


OK here is our situation:

6th grade-astronomy and God's Design Weather and Water

7th grade-physical science using Exploration Education and Inventor biographies

8th grade-½ yr of chemistry using The Elements, Tiner's Exploring the World of Chemistry and then ½ year Christian Kids Explore Creation Science

9th grade (this year)-Apologia's biology


We can't do chemistry next year b/c my son will not have done algebra yet as we are still working through Saxon pre-algebra.

He definitely wouldn't be ready for physics.

So I was planning chemistry for 11th and physics for 12th.


I thought about Apologia's A&P but heard that is more advanced and would be best in 12th grade and it would be a toss up b/w A&P and Physics.


This year he is learning topics like hydrosphere, biosphere, lithosphere, minerals, etc in his geography class this year so doing Earth Science seems redundant. I feel like we have covered all the other sciences like physical and astronomy and earth/life. Is it necessary to repeat any in high school? Isn't physics related to physical science on a higher level?


The only other suggestions I have seen are to focus on geology, marine biology, or environmental science, although I wouldn't know what to use for geology or enviro. And would those 2 take up a whole year? 


He doesn't have a career direction right now but I can't see him going into anything medical.


Any other suggestions/ideas? Would it be wise to just skip 10th grade science and use that time for an elective we need? He will have 3 sciences when he graduates.

Edited by sltress
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My son chose environmental science this year.  Didn't want to do Biology yet...


I bought the Holt Environmental package from Rainbow Resource.  It has a 1 yr online access to worksheets, quizzes, tests, virtual investigations, etc.  We haven't done a lot of labs, but have enjoyed the online options.  I like it so much I may use Holt for Biology.   My son has said it's one of his favorite sciences.  

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