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Meal Planners - what do you use?


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Starting right after Thanksgiving, DD & I are going paleo. My second round of paleo, her first {and she is not exactly 100% willing either}. So I'm going to be trying out a lot of new recipes, especially since dd can't do nuts either which were my mainstay last time around on paleo.


I'm trying to find a good way to meal plan that works for me. I need something either web based or {preferably} an android app where I can easily plug in recipes found online with a link to the location or allow me to easily put in the recipe. AND it needs to generate a shopping list of what I need to purchase for the week, adding ingredients used in multiple things together. And hopefully let me mark off tings I already have so I can quickly see what I need for the week. Ideally, something where I could say okay I have XYZ things already and have it make meals based around those things would be great, but I can't find anything that does that AND works for Paleo AND food allergies. 


Please someone tell me this exists and I'm not going to have to resort to a pencil and notebook??

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