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Does spelling power teach the spelling rules?


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Yes-- To some extent Spelling Power is arranged by phonetic rules. For example, all List #1 are based on the rule: The sound of /a/ is spelled a as in cat. I can't remember how many different rules are covered throughout the course of the 11 or 12 groups of lists. The rules are reviewed (for the most part) with every level--the words just get more difficult. One word of caution--I did not always agree with the word placement and found that some words did not fit the list/rule too well. In that case, I just omitted that word. Basically, its a sound program.



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yes, they are arranged by rules and difficulty levels. The rules are given before the test and are to be written down in the space provided, if they miss words, they refer to the task cards for activities for that specific rule, I've used this program the whole way and am on my 2nd go around! I love it.


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Perhaps I had a different version but mine had no spelling rules that I can recall. Not "change the y to i and add es" not "double the l, f and s at the end of a short-letter vowel word"; nothing that I recall!


I added in spelling rules as I felt they were needed and could help. The words are arranged by "sound" so one list may have all the "aw, au, augh, all" words with no indication of when to use which spelling.


I used SP for more than a year with several of my kids. Worked great with my natural speller -- he just needed a list of words to work on. Not so great with my unnatural speller. She needed more rules to help learn spelling. Even my average spellers needed some rules.


The one thing I love, love, love and have kept using from SP is the 10-step method of working on misspelled words. My dd diligently used the 10-step method coupled with another spelling program and I'm convinced it was one of the primary reasons her spelling has vastly improved.




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