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9th grade geography 1/2 semester credit

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The link below is a free geography course that you should get done by the end of the year. Not sure if it is ½ or 1 credit. We have been using North Star for the last 14 weeks and it is good but I got tired of my mac taking forever to see the CD each time I wanted to print the next lesson's pages. It would just clock and clock and clock. So I am having my son read the chapters but we are starting this Georgia Virtual Learning course to supplement. I found it through All in One High School (spin off of Easy Peasy Homeschooling). There is a schedule and tests for the Georgia class.




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One more thing...the Discovery Education videos need a username/password, darn, right? Well I emailed my school district and asked for one and they assigned one to him the next day. So it's worth a try. Unfortunately the gals that wrote the answer key on "All in One" site don't have them for the DE videos but hopefully I will be able to figure them out.


We have modified the schedule to fit it in for the next 21 weeks. So he does 2 or more "pages" 3 days a week. We just started this week and have done 4 pages and it is going well! Lots of info and worksheets to print out. Doesn't seem like they have them actually labeling outline maps but I am just having him take the list and study the atlas until he is comfortable locating everything and then he will study it again for the test. But you could print off outline maps from the internet and have him label which I may do for the individual countries. The world map was just too tiny to fit everything on.


Edited by sltress
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