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Writing curriculum options?


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Brave Writer is a high quality/low output program. There are three main products/product lines, which can be used together or separately:


1. The Writer's Jungle is the original book. It lays out the full plan of how to work on writing all the way through high school. This part without the other parts is essentially a manual on how to DIY a language arts program.


2. Writing project books (Jot It Down, Partnership Writing, Faltering Ownership) that give ideas for one writing project per month, and also guidance for the parent on how to best support and grow writing skills.


3. Language Arts books (Arrow, Boomerang), in which each issue focuses on one book, meant to be read during or before the month. Includes copywork, instructions about mechanics, and some discussion of literary elements.


However, if you want to see if the program might be a fit for how you want to do language arts, I'd suggest just starting at the website. This page has links about the Brave Writer "lifestyle" in the left-hand sidebar and is sort of a condensed version of The Writer's Jungle.

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