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Tunnel Vision in class?


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Dd16 just brought this up to me. She says it happens when she's sitting in class. She says she also forgets things a lot and sometimes she has to ask a person what they just said because she's zoned out while listening. Sometimes she says she has to do it as much as three times in a row.


She has a Dx of vasovagal syncope and an irregular heart beat which she is she is being watched but is believed to be benign.


Can this temporary vision thing be in anyway ADHD related? We clearly have issues like this in our family.


Any chance seizures could go this?


We have a cardiology follow up scheduled soon and she is also due for a wellcheck this fall.


Otherwise, she is going well with her health and academically.

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If it happens when she is sitting in class but not at home, I'd look at the chair and how it's hitting her legs, whether she is crossing her legs, and if she is staying as well hydrated at school compared to home.


My other thought was anxiety.

I never thought about the chair. I'm going to ask her about that.


She always has a water bottle with her so I think that part is fine, but she could need salt or electrolytes.


She is also a super chill person and doesn't get anxious or upset easily.

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