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Yet another "Help me find books for them!" post


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I've done quite a bit of googling this topic with nothing jumping out at me, so I'm hoping that the Hive can help.  I've got two kids for whom I need ideas.


ODS is 7.  The first books he liked well enough to re-read were Jessica Day George's Tuesdays at the Castle series, which he read this spring.  Currently he's on the Septimus Heap series, which will at least keep him busy for a while (though I need to finish reading the series to make sure the last ones are doable).  He could probably handle the content of Harry Potter--at least DH thinks so, but I'd rather wait both because I found parts of them frightening (and he's a lot like me) and because I loved those so well that I want to make sure he doesn't mentally check them off his list until he's old enough to really appreciate them.  He also likes adventure/survival books to some extent (liked My Side of the Mountain but didn't want to read the sequel because the sister was in it; liked the first Boxcar Children but said the others were not as exciting).  Mostly, though, he wants castles and wizards.  I need something that he doesn't see as too short/easy but isn't quite the coming-of-age genre yet because he just can't relate to that, and also something that's going to be clean (language, themes).  DH said maybe Sword of Shannara; if anyone has thoughts on that I'd be delighted not to have to re-read yet another book to judge appropriateness.


DD is 6.  Currently she's absolutely obsessed with the Rainbow Magic fairy books, but she's read so many (around 90!) that she's got to be close to running out.  She tends to be my series gal, since she read every Magic Tree House she could get her hands on, all the A to Z and Calendar Mysteries, a good several dozen Boxcar Children, all the Magic Tree House again, and now the Rainbow Magic.  Animal-themed books are a no-go--not even the RM ones.  She's also very particular about appearance.  She won't touch the Disney fairy chapter books because she doesn't like the art style.  She likes large font, quick reads (preferably easy to finish in a couple hours--she's done with RM in under an hour), magic and occasional pictures are a plus.  So while she liked the Ramona books, she'd have me read her a chapter or two a night and then she'd plod through a chapter--but she preferred hearing those read aloud to doing the reading on her own.  Other than Ramona, anything with small print or all text or anything longer than a two- or three-night read she gave up on.  And if nothing appeals to her, she'll go for weeks without reading much of anything--and then suddenly she's carrying books everywhere with her again.  I want to avoid sassy, obnoxious characters and relationship themes that are beyond her, but I'd like to come up with a next series to avoid the doldrums.  I've got American Girl as a possibility, but I'm not sure that the art style will grab her.  (How do you get a kid past judging books by their cover!?  And the "start reading it and she'll want to finish" doesn't work here--if I start reading something, the kids automatically categorize the entire series as read-aloud and won't touch it.)


Sorry so long; brevity has never been my forte.  TIA for any suggestions you might have!

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Danny Dunn

Kingdom of wrenly

The last dragonslayer

Benedict society

Loki's wolves

Tales from Maple ridge

Dragon masters (scholastic)

Here's a Penny

The growly series

The green ember

Firefly Hollow

Edited by OKBud
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For the boy I second The Green Ember. Also maybe Narnia books? And E. Nesbitt has a book of dragon stories but I haven't read it, also some other magic themed books, but I'm not sure what the reading level would be.


For the girl...that's tough. My DD enjoyed the "chapter book" adaptations of the Little House series. A very large percentage of the books aimed at that age/reading level seem to be animal themed, though.

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Check out the Branches series of books from Scholastic for your daughter. My DD has loved almost all of these we've tried, especially Dragon Masters, Franny K. Stein and Eerie Elementary, but she's not a very girly-girl (would never have read Rainbow Magic Fairy books) so your DD might prefer some of the Branches titles more aimed for girls. The Catwings series might be great for her as well.


For your son, my DD loved the Nesbit books referenced above, Dragon in the Sock Drawer, and she's now reading and loving The Faraway Tree series. Dragon Rider was also a favorite (there are a few by Cornelia Funke he might like.) He might also like the Moongobble series, A Snicker of Magic, the Bunnicula series or Mr. Lemoncello's Library.

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