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Chemistry & Physics Kits


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I'd like to get decent chemistry & physics kits for my nearly 7 year old. We're both beginners & so I'll need not just the activities & experiments but also the explanations behind them (in easy-to-understand language). So it'd be a balanced blend of high-interest & age-appropriate hands-on activities along with sufficient readings to explain the science & possibly delve deeper into it.



**Also, can anyone recommend a (2nd grade level) book &/or workbook regarding the scientific process?

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Have you looked at the Thames & Cosmos kits? They use plastic equipment and come with a decent sized booklet walking though the experiments. The experiments are pretty standard. My kids (slightly older) played around on their own with the kit I got, and I related a few experiments to concepts we had discussed during science.


Not a chemistry kit, per se, but the American Chemical Society has a free middle school curriculum online that might be worth perusing. It is more if a short course, and I used it to supplement our chemistry lessons. It is written for claims, but easy to pick and choose from.


On the pricier end of chemistry kits is the MEL science kit subscription. They send you everything you need for 4-6 different experiments every month. They have a nice app that we have barely used, but which probably has a lot more discussion of the chemistry.


For physics i bought a big engino building kit of simple machines, but in practice we really had more fun finding examples of the machines in day-to-day life. Physics kits have never seemed as necessary, so I don't have much to offer.


Good luck!

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Thanks for the leads & ideas. We've also tinkered with simple machines & it was fun--we'll re-visit those activites soon & expand on them. Are the MEL kits a year-long commitment? What does 'MEL' stand for? Knowing this may help me search more efficiently. I once saw a post that mentioned a quasi-pricey kit that included sufficient explanation & hands-on activites...but now I cannot recall the company name.

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