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Reading skill levels


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I'm really new to WTM. My daughter is beginning 1st grade but already reads well. Do I still have her read at an instructional level? Since this section covers up to 4th grade, do you continue to have 4th graders read at an instructional level?


I'm not sure how to find that either while still having appropriate content for her age. She can read nearly all the words in the KJV of the bible, for example, so it seems like that would be at-level reading (still encountering words she doesn't know but can think about the meaning). Ramona and Henry Huggins would be below-level reading. I'm not sure how to implement the reading skills section for us!! (Page 62 in the 4th edition)

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I just have my 6yo read aloud to me, then retell me the story in his own words.  At this point we're not working on phonics, but comprehension and beginning literary discussion.  These are his components for instructional level.  I may throw in tidbits like "this word comes from the Latin ____, which means ____." to help build vocabulary.


You can always look ahead at the further grades, see what is expected later on, and then either bring it down to a 1st grade level or just read comfortably but stretch the topics.

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It seems like this is to practice reading and not to focus on the topics (but that doesn't mean I want to introduce something inappropriate). Just trying to decide when you don't focus on reading as a skill and can just move on to reading in all other things!

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Yes, but for the child who doesn't need help with phonics, you just move on to the next step.  My kid's instructional level would be somewhere in high school.  He could read it just fine, he just couldn't comprehend it all.  We spend that suggested time working with what he does still need guidance on.


You can always skip it.  Nobody will force you to do it.  The WTM is simply a guide, it's not a rule book for one-size-fits-all.

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I do understand using WTM as a guide! I am not new to the homeschooling scene or to different methods. I just didn't understand that part well enough to make an informed decision. Skipping something because I don't understand it is unacceptable to me. Skipping because I understand it to be unnecessary is different. Thanks for responding!

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