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A birthday poem for kids to recite? Please help!


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Last Christmas Eve the kids recited the most beautiful poem.


My father turns 80 mid-September and a whole bunch of family we haven't seen for years, and some the kids have never met, are coming.


I have only looked at 20 so far and they have been either too morbid, or about babies.


They have great memory and did 3 stanzas each for 12 total. Could do more if its inspiring. ☺



Recommendations please???

We have 20 days.

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Does it have to be about birthdays? Since it will be September, one suitable choice would be "Thoughts" by Jacqueline Bouvier.


It ends with:

"Nostalgia -- that's the Autumn,

Dreaming through September

Just a million lovely things

I always will remember."

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Not what you're looking for ;) but for Father's Day dd7 recited this limerick with poses:

"There once was a very sad Daddy. His golf game was going quite badly. He looked left and right - no ball was in sight! I think that he needed a caddy!"


Googling poems yes I found many to be awful. Just awful. Waste of time... So I'd say don't worry about birthday topic, go a different route like choose a great author and Google favorite lines of Shakespeare or something. You'll get better quality off the bat.

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Does your father have a poem he use to recite? My Dad did. He had a few up his sleeves. :lol: My grandmother was German {as was my grandfather actually} so they spoke German & thus taught my father, & Dad use to show off his German skills be reciting a specific piece of poetry in German to us whenever we'd ask him to talk in German. :lol:

However, he also use to recite that insanely silly poem about eating peas with honey whenever Mom served peas. My Dad died 4 years ago & the first time I served peas after his death I broke out in maniacal laughter. Once I calmed myself I simply picked up where he'd left off. Now when I serve peas my kids jus say, "DON'T DO IT MOM!" ;)

On the other hand my FIL had a little poem he was taught as a young boy, & so he taught his children, & for Father's Day one year, I surprised the my hubby by helping my children learn it & their gift to him was reciting the poem. It was short, but it meant the world to dh.

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