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Guess what I'm doing!

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I am at the library logged into WTM! Never done this before! I just needed a little break! And since dh was out of town for a week I figured he needed some alone time with the kids right?


Ahh....so nice to be here with only strangers sitting next to me! And no one running in saying "mom, mom, mom". :lol:Does this make me a bad wife/mom??


Which leads to my question:


As fellow homeschoolers, I assume most of you are with dc nearly 24/7 (which I am), so what do you do that's just FOR YOU? And how do you do it without guilt? :001_huh: I'm struggling with that one just a tad....well okay, not at the moment because I'm at the library and really enjoying this! :lol:

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Which leads to my question:


As fellow homeschoolers, I assume most of you are with dc nearly 24/7 (which I am), so what do you do that's just FOR YOU? And how do you do it without guilt? :001_huh: I'm struggling with that one just a tad....well okay, not at the moment because I'm at the library and really enjoying this! :lol:



At my house mommy time with out the kids is called sanity time! ;) When my oldest two were yound they would occasionally meet my dh at the door and say, "Mommy needs sanity time!"


My guilt free sanity time has/does include:


Night classes - I am providing my dc with a better educated teacher and I get out of dishes 1 -2 nights a week.


Long walks - If I am healthy, I am better able to care for my family.


Night owl sales - I am saving money while the dc sleep, so I can buy more curriculum.

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I multi-task to alleviate the guilt.


Judo is one thing I do. The boys would be fine if we didn't go back (well, except for ds9 who has hit the point that it's coming more natural so it's more fun). But I love it, so we go. During my class they get to play with friends, so I count it as PE and I'm happy they've gotten to know other kids who are outside our regular church world.


I also run errands without them. Sometimes this means going super early in the morning so I can get home before dh leaves for work, sometimes it's in the evenings, sometimes it's on a Saturday (depending on dh's job and if it stays light late because I'm a chicken and don't like to be out by myself after dark). But it is almost always without kids. I don't feel guilty because I'm doing something that needs to be done for the family, but it affords me time to string 2+ thoughts together which is what I crave.


One of my closest friends is also the boys' piano teacher, so we often go a few minutes early or hang around a bit late and we chat. I also have another close friend that brings her kids over once a month or so for "playdates", but I think we look as forward to it as the kids do.


I also take part in things offered for women at my church when possible, and get up early (5 am) to enjoy the peace and quiet before the boys start in for the day.

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