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Key To math series...how do you (or did you) use it??


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I just found Key To on my shelf.  I'm embarrassed to say...I completely forgot I had it.  I really want to use this...so I'm trying to figure out how I want to use this series.  I don't have the entire set.  I have all books for Fractions (including tests), Decimals (including tests), Percents (including tests), and Measurement (no tests...I don't think there are any).  Who knows where the answer keys are (and I know I need those!).  I've looked high and low online to find the recommended sequence...I know at one time is was listed on the site for the company; Key Curriculum Press.  Now I can't even find a website for them.  


My original plan was to go through book 1 of each, one after the other (Fractions 1, then Decimals 1, etc).  When it was time to cycle back through to Fractions 2, I'd give the Test for Fractions 1 as a little refresher.  I thought that was a keen idea.  Maybe I'll still do that.  But I just read the description for Key To at Rainbow Resource and it sounds like she gave her kids book 1 of all of them at the same time and the kids could choose which book to work through each day.  When they finished book 1 of whatever topic they just replaced it with book 2.  This sounds like a neat idea too.  I almost think I like that idea better.  I think my daughter would love to choose each day.  


And do I understand this correctly that after we'd finish these 4 topics then we'd go on to Algebra and then Geometry?  Would you cycle through those too or do one completely before the other?  And what about Metric Measurement?  Where does that fit in?  


Please tell me how you've used this series.  Is there any blog post about this?  I'm finding little information other than just descriptions at sites that are selling it.  




ETA: and I know you don't have to cycle through them...you can do all Fractions then do all Decimals, etc.  But I want some variety and I don't want her to completely forget one topic after not using it for a long time.  Hope that makes sense.  



Edited by BatmansWife
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Thanks for that information.  


Hmmm...they don't seem to say what the sequence is, like the old KCP website did.  They have them listed as Fractions, Geometry, Decimals, Percents, Measurement, Metric, and Algebra.  Buuut...I don't think that's the actual sequence.  Wouldn't Geometry be later in the series??  I'm getting confused and a little frustrated that I can't find what I want to find out about it.  


ETA...maybe this is it.  This is really the samples of each...they don't really say this is the sequence, but it's listed in the sequence that I thought they would be in.  

Edited by BatmansWife
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The Geometry is light--lots and lots of constructions, not about proofs.  So, it could go before Algebra, if the student is up for it. My math phobic one did the Geo series before the Algebra series and enjoyed it very much. 


I don't know about the "official"  order of the series, but I will say that the Algebra books saved the day for my oldest.  He had hit the Mother of All Brick Walls in the algebra bits of his Pre-A course, and Keys to Algebra was the only thing that made sense to him at the time.  He plans on finishing the Algebra as *part* of his Algebra 1 credit next year.

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