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10 year old bday trip

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My husband wants to take my 10 yr. old ds on a special trip for his birthday. Anyone know of interesting things in the Chicago area? My son LOVES legos, star wars and Brian Jacques novels (Redwall). He also is involved in scouts and is interested in the outdoors. We really want this to be a special time. Thanks in advance.

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Well, there's the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry - I'm guessing that my 10 year old would like that. And there's the Legoland Discovery Center.


Going up to the Sears Tower and eating pizza would also be on our list. Maybe seeing a sporting event.


I really don't know alot about Chicago - Dh and I have been there seperately for business (and I went in college on a missions trip). And we have always talked about going for a vacation sometime.

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We live near Chicago and like to do the Navey Pier, and we rotate museum memberships each year between the M of Sci & Industry, Field Museum, Shedd Aquarium & Art Instutute. We went to the Chi Childrens Museum one time and my kids never requested to go back, but they're weird. We could easily spend most of one day in any other. Here's Chicago's website. Lots of fun stuff to do!


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