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Need Advice from Blended Homeschool/Traditional School Families

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I have three boys. My two oldest attend public school. My youngest (age 8) has been homeschooling for the last two years (he had a horrid time in Kindergarten and wasn't thriving in public school like my other two).

My middle child, age 11, will wanted to try homeschool this next school year (but only for that year...long story). My husband was apprehensive because he does so well in school (straight A student) and because he's not sure if I'll be able to handle teaching two (frankly...I'm nervous about that too, though I'm excited to try).


He agreed, but only if my son would do a trial month early. This actually works out well...I was out a month with pneumonia this year so we are about a month behind for my youngest. So them both starting a month early sounds great.


BUT, I'm not sure what to do about my oldest (age 13). It has always been hard teaching my youngest when the other boys are home doing other things...and I see where the same problem may come up here. My oldest I think would be willing to work with me BUT also could be resentful if this took away from summer video game time (having screens on during homeschool would be a big distraction).  We don't let them have constant screen time even in summer, but usually in homeschool I ban it from when we start until we're doing with all school work....unless it's a video or something for a lesson.  Also, in summer, save for a mid-day break from 10am -2pm,  I usually don't limit it.  I'm thinking limiting my oldest to the ipad, and only letting him use it in his room with the door shut (it doesn't have internet, just games...for those who may be concerned).   



Any suggestions ideas for balancing my oldest son's summer with my younger two's first month of school ?


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We have had some kids in school and some kids homeschooling for about nine years, and dh teaches so we have his schedule to also take into account.


I know some people are able to still get work done when the non- homeschoolers are in the house but we have always had a very hard time keeping our homeschool routine going well during those times.


I had a thirteen year old home this year for one year after having been in ps for a few years. As much as she wanted to be home, it was a big transition for her. I think if I had made her work in the summer for a month before starting school, it would have poisoned her attitude starting off the year.


I think it's enough to accept there are going to be bumps along the way, especially in the beginning, as you sort out a routine, a curriculum, and a workload. It's just what it is. But it helps to know what your goals are and keep them in mind as you plan and deal with any issues.


My goals for my DD were to teach her grammar because I knew she hadn't learned it in ps and wouldn't get it in high school, solidify her math skills which were floundering, and, most of all, re-ignite her love of learning by not overwhelming her and letting her choose topics of interest in science and history. Every time a problem came up, I went back to those goals and in the end, I felt it was a better year together than I could have imagined. She reached her goals. She went from getting C's in ps math to testing years above grade level. But most of all, she was a much happier, loving, responsible person at the end of the year compared to where she was when we started.


Hope this helps!

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