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Nicomachean Ethics

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If you have read Nicomachean Ethics, what do you think of it as a read aloud and discussion book?


And if you were to choose the most important chapters (ie most useful/practical to a teenager), which would they be? I ask this in case my voice runs out. Plus "less" could be "more" in some cases: we could concentrate on just a few chapters if this is possible. Please ... no flames: it's just a straight question. Thank you .  :o


I look forward to your replies  :)

Edited by fluffybunny
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It's been a long time since I read it, but, from my recollection, it would be preferable to read part of it rather than the whole thing.  IMO Aristotle is a bit repetitious with his argument for the "mean" between positions being preferable, for example.  I don't know, however, which selections may be best to pick, but maybe a chunk near the beginning and then try to find highlights from somewhere.


If you can pick up a second used copy, or get it from the library or online, you may want to read sections together, silently, and then discuss them rather than a read aloud.  Unlike poetry, drama, or something where the sound of the spoken word is beautiful or has special impact, it's really more small chunks of ideas with the Ethics.

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