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Intellego Unit Studies

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I have seen a lot of people recommend these & am intrigued by some of their topics... but find the previews underwhelming.


Has anyone actually USED them?? Are they nothing more than KWL charts & websites / YT videos, or is there more substance that the previews just don't show?


I am particularly interested in Maps!, Continents & Cultures, World Geography, Habitats, & Evolution

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We tried them.  They weren't bad.  There were KWL charts that we skipped, but my kids especially appreciated the videos.  They liked it fine, but I didn't feel like they had enough work to prove to me they had learned it.  I really liked that it was unit studies I didn't have to plan, but I needed a way to get a feel for what they had accomplished, since I wasn't watching them the whole time.  They might work well for a child you could trust to work diligently, or if you were working alongside.  My kids breezed through it really fast (and I wasn't altogether sure they'd read/done everything.)  There was substance if the kids read all the links, and all.  (I suspect mine clicked on all the links but didn't really read them.)

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