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Sex Ed in the Netherlands


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So, I've seen so much on how good the curriculum there is.  How kids don't have sex earlier than the US....but tend to use birth control 9/10 times and have a positive experience.


I've been googling a bit and wanted to share what I've found in case anybody is interested.


I also like the idea of how they take the 11 year olds to the library which is stocked with actual factual books that they can turn to for a reference.  The book on becoming an expert kisser was cute. :)


About the curriculum: http://www.rutgers.international/what-we-do/comprehensive-sexuality-education/what-comprehensive-sexuality-education


They created an English language version of the curriculum for the 6-11 year olds called "Spring Fever".  You can buy it here:



You can see some of the free videos here:



Videos on some of the lessons:






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