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For those who use Lively Latin


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How long does it take you all to get through a lesson? We are on week 8 of school. We do latin for 30 min 4 days a week. We did not do latin the first week of school. My ds's are only 1/2 way through lesson one. They are 11 and 9 and reading well enough to do this independantly. Do you take more then one year?

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We have taken over a year to get through LL1 but it's mainly because I want to make sure my ds is very clear about everything. Plus, I always have to spend some time ahead of him learning it first. We bought ours the beginning of last school year and are on lesson 15 now, with no summer work except review of flashcards (grammar and vocab). We go quickly when he is confident and slow down when he gets stuck. We should be done with it by Christmas and ready for LL2. I figure we are starting Latin in these early years...there is no need to rush through. We work towards mastery, however long that takes us.

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This is our first year for LL, and for what I understand you do it at your own pace. I spoke to Katherine at LL, and she said that we can do it over a couple of years. We are still on Lesson 1, and we're in our 7th week of school. However, we've had 2 hurricane evacuations that have interfered with our schedule. I do it with my 2 middle dc, and it's definitely going slower than I wanted this year. The dc love it when we do it though.

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Oh Yea!! Thank you all for validating my slow progress!!! We're into it about 3 weeks, and have just started our chants and our 1st vocabulary lesson. I have used the history sections, too, and enjoyed them. I keep looking forward in the lesson wondering if we'll ever finish, and then I remind myself that it's MASTERY we're after and there's no race. What a relief to hear we're not total losers here!..........we are liking it, btw:)

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but the following lessons take us about 2 weeks each to complete. I do work with my 10yos. This helps me to learn the Latin as well. We've just begun lesson 9. My other two dc are using Galore Park's Latin & its been interesting to see how LL compares to those texts. We aim to complete 1-2 pages daily in LL. If a reading is that day's assignment, we read the whole reading & answer any questions. If it's a lesson, we go over the lesson together & ds completes the companion exercise page independently. On day's where we're rushed for time, we aim to complete at least 1 page. Latin takes 15-30 minutes daily & he enjoys it & is really learning. We don't do flashcards as neither of us enjoy those, but instead 2-3 times a week ds spends 15 minutes on the vocabulary matching games linked on the LL site.



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