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Medical Question: Chest X-ray

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My dh had a chest x-ray done last week because he has been complaining of chronic chest/bronchial congestion. The x-ray was clear for fluid etc. so doc said it must just be a lingering virus. This morning the doctor's office called to say that the after the radiologist reviewed the x-rays, he and the doctor agreed that they saw old scar tissue on his lung. She emphasized that the tissue was old, nothing new. They want him to come back in 2 months for a repeat x-ray to check for stability. My first thoughts were that this is nothing, if it is old (as she emphasized) it must not be effecting him so nothing to worry about. However, as I think more about it..... if it is nothing why bother with a repeat x-ray? My husband is gone on a business trip and won't be back until this afternoon. After I tell him the news he may have more questions and we'll call the office back. But until then, I'm relying on you guys to calm my fears.



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