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What is your MO for Facebook?


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A valuable homeschooling group uses Facebook to host online discussions.  I'm one of those people who hates to miss a single message.    I do not like the way you have a topic and then replies, but then there are cascading recursive replies within replies that aren't always visible, and you need to click a link to make them visible, only to find that I've already seen that one.  Or I click a "more..." link and it opens the message in a new tab.  


I love the WTM boards because I receive my new topics digest every day which piles up nicely in a separate folder.  Then I can page down and page down the new topics and click on ones I want to read, and subscribe to those that I want to follows.  Easy peasy and I never miss an update.  


How can I manage FB so I can efficiently check for new messages, and not miss interesting discussions while wasting my time sorting through old messages I've already read?  Ideally, I'd like to check in with this group once or twice a week.   

Edited by daijobu
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