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Recorded spelling dictation sentences?


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Ok, this is a long shot...totally a "unicorn" to use a term I've seen often recently... :lol:


DD11 wants to change up what we are doing for spelling.  We haven't been doing any dictation sentences this year and she feels like that is helpful and would like to add that back in.  But she still wants something independent of me.   Like I said, a unicorn.  :huh:


Are there any resources out there with dictation sentences for spelling recorded as MP3 to download or on a CD?  



Edited by kirstenhill
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I had my DD record the dictation and then play it back to herself for to write.

She did see the words before writing, so it wasn't cold dictation, but it worked anyway.


All I had to do was give her the passage, and check it afterwards.


She used an old ipod touch at the time because she didn't have a phone yet.

I had to teach her to speak slowly, pause for punctuation, and pause/rewind the recording.

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I *think* IEW's spelling program has this....


BUT---what I was going to suggest is that you just record your own sentences.   That way you can target exactly what you want to spell.   There are many free voice recording apps and software out there.   And it wouldn't take too long to speak a few sentences into a recorder.  You could use your phone, tablet or computer to do this.  


There are many sentence dictation sources.  (Spelling Wisdom has a book, AAS has sentences, "how to teach spelling", Simply Charlotte Mason's Spelling Wisdom series .... just to name a few.)   If you use one of those books, your child could then self check to see if they spelled everything correctly.   :)  

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I *think* IEW's spelling program has this....


BUT---what I was going to suggest is that you just record your own sentences. That way you can target exactly what you want to spell. There are many free voice recording apps and software out there. And it wouldn't take too long to speak a few sentences into a recorder. You could use your phone, tablet or computer to do this.


There are many sentence dictation sources. (Spelling Wisdom has a book, AAS has sentences, "how to teach spelling", Simply Charlotte Mason's Spelling Wisdom series .... just to name a few.) If you use one of those books, your child could then self check to see if they spelled everything correctly. :)

I think IEW's program is just words, not sentences...but I could be wrong about that.


If nothing pre-recorded exists I will probably either record them myself or have her record them. We have Dictation Reource Book and I've long ago downloaded some of the public domain books with dictation, so source isn't a problem...just getting off our behinds to get the recordings made. ;-)

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Any audiobook can also be used this way. My Bible app will play an audio version of the Bible. For Bible dictation, I can just have my child play a sentence and pause it. Then write it. But it will work with non-religious material too, of course.

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Um I know they are sort of looked down upon on here, but I dictate many things for my son every night to be done the next day, on his iPad. I will admit that I thought a 7 year old having an i-pad sounded VERY bad, and we kept it from him for months (gift from my in-laws) but now that he has it and we use it this way, it has REALLY helped me. 


We use AAS and I just dictate the words, phrases and sentences to him on there and it works great!

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