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Will I get sick?


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What are the chances? I had to go to a walk-in clinic this morning for a skin issue. It was a pretty small room full of people, most of whom seemed to have serious upper respiratory infections. I was there for over 2 hours. I did not sit down or touch any surfaces. I tried to breathe through my mouth the whole time but I may have breathed through my nose a few times. I tried to stand off to the side away from the people but after a while a few people stood near me and the were coughing and had bad voices. I washed my hands and changed my clothes when I got home but did not wash my hair and had to use the same coat I was wearing to go out again. I took an emergen-c vitamin c pack with lunch when I got home, had chicken soup and zinc. I just worry about so many germs in the air in a confined place. I was also very tired because I slept little last night and I stood for 2 hours without eating breakfast. I can't afford to be sick because my kids require a lot of energy to homeschool and I don't want them to be sick either.

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