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Which one for 8th grade?

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Which writing program would you do with an 8th grade boy: Jump In or The Power in Your Hands (both by Sharon Watson)?


He's very good at outlining and rewriting and was getting sick of it, so I decided to move him on to learning essay writing. We tried The Lively Art of Writing (which I really like) but he does NOT. "Mom, this book is SO BORING that I can't keep my eyes open when I'm reading it!"


So. I ordered The Power in Your Hands, which I was eyeing for high school anyway. But now I'm wondering if I should instead start with Jump In. 


Thoughts? Anyone used PIYH with an 8th grader?



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Thank you. I ended up just ordering both and I'll see how they look when they get here. I'm leaning toward Jump In because I don't know why I would want to make this harder or more advanced than it needs to be. He's a good writer but I don't know if I would call him highly motivated. :D Glad to know you like them!

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