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HS credit for orchestra/music?

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I am trying to get ahead on my high school planning for next year.  My dd plans to continue playing next year with a community orchestra she belongs to now.  She also plays two instruments.  With orchestra practice and individual instruments (lessons/practice) she easily reaches over 120-180hrs needed for one hs credit, actually she could receive 2 credits with the amount of work she does each week.  My question: How do I actually list the credit description?  Is it as simple as how many hours for instruction, practice, and performances?  How specific do I need to be regarding pieces?  I will ask her teacher to create a list of actual skills learned to be included in the description.  My dd does not plan to major is music in college however she has developed a love for music:)

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Many high school students who are in orchestra also spend significant time outside of school studying and playing, so I would not do two credits unless they are for each instrument. But even in that case, if she's not planning to major in music, I'd leave that to extracurriculars. 


I used to play one hour, practice a bit, and then play in jazz band, marching band, and pep band. Not as academically demanding, obviously, but those were what were available to me at my rural school. It was about 200 hours of music per year.


Others may have a different perspective.

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I would list it as a single credit. The college dd just applied to required a credit of fine arts and it isn't the only college where I have seen that requirement. Take enough to make a credit then list the rest as extracurricular. So maybe 1 hr of orchestra credit on the transcript, then list instruments played, private lessons, etc. as an EC.

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Could I do one credit for orchestra & one credit for instrument (including both piano & violin) music?  She could easily meet the hs credit hours for two credits.  I would just be counting these as extracurricular credits.


Debbie-I think you answered my question.  Thank you  How did you list the Fine Arts credit description?

Edited by jewel
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