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Introduction and jumping into the middle

Guest accidentalhomeschooler

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Guest accidentalhomeschooler

I'm mom to two 13 year olds. I need some advice about jumping into this method of homeschooling with kids this age who may want to go to high school next year.  Forgive me if this post rambles. Over the past 4 years we've gone from happy in public school to depression/school avoidance/general misery to free school to home school co-op. My kids crave the structure and quantity of subjects they had in traditional school and may want to go to a traditional high school. My goal this year is to supplement what they are doing at the co-op - math, creative pursuits, making friends and learning about consensus building, with meaningful and challenging academics.  Both kids are really bright, critical thinkers but are not being challenged; they have also fallen behind in the practical skills they need.   So far this year, I've been taking a "deer in headlights" approach. General lack of confidence in my ability to meet this challenge. Words of support and guidance will be much appreciated!

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I just want to welcome you. I think you will receive more responses if you post on a different forum board....the K-8 or General forum boards would probaly work best. The introduction board tends just to be new people doing a test post to make sure they know how. ;) I hope you find some great ideas here. Have you had a chance to read the Well Trained Mind book? It honestly has helped many of my real life friends (and myself) with our homeschool journey.

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Guest accidentalhomeschooler

Thanks very much Mumto2.  Nice to be noticed so quickly.   :001_smile:  I've ordered a copy of The Well Trained Mind.  I also just found Susan's suggestions for starting with an older child.  I'll look through the K-8 boards and post there.

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