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HELP! AoPS Intro to Counting and Probability (Cross-post)

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My DD is taking the AoPS Introduction to Counting and Probability class and has struggled mightily with counting (chs. 2-6.)  I am, frankly, of absolutely no use to her.  She has watched the videos and asked questions, but has REALLY struggled to get into the green.  I did locate an MIT open courseware counting lecture; she said it helped some.  Does anyone have any suggestions for other material that might help?  I don’t believe she’s used Khan Academy yet; if anyone knows of specific lectures, that would be great.

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Thank you for posting, Julie!  She's taking the online class, so the problems are different.  Like a goofball, I had totally forgotten that one of our neighbors has a PhD in Physics and, not surprisingly, is very solid in math.  I'm going to send the book to him to preview and then he's going to go over the material with DD.  I think that you're absolutely right-more time with the book is likely a good thing.  :001_smile:

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