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Great feedback for those wondering about Analytical Grammar...

Heather in VA

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My oldest is taking Henle Latin with Classical Conversations. She's 13 (8th grade) and the youngest in the class. Most are 9th - 11th graders. I got a note from her tutor who said that she was such an asset to the class because of her English grammar knowledge. The tutor said that others are struggling because they've studied grammar but seem to be having difficulties really parsing the sentences apart to determine case endings etc. For those who don't know, in Latin the endings are often determined by the word's grammatical role in the sentence. I asked DD about it and she said without a doubt - it's because of Analytical Grammar.


It's not that others haven't studied grammar. Most seem to have used the various programs discussed here. But there is something about the way AG teaches it that really makes you understand.


Just thought I'd share.




PS - this is not meant to be a slam on other programs. Obviously they work well for lots of people. Just wanted to share a success story about AG for anyone wondering if it really works - since it's a different approach to the 'grammar every year' concept.

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My son(12) is doing AG....he is actually really enjoying it.. Much to my surprise. He is ADHD and he has Sensory Integration Issues but he really enjoys doing the exercises in AG season I. I would recommend it to anyone...in fact I have told several friends who have children in the PS system that they should order AG and supplement their child's education.



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