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Independent Study Question--heard of DIY Homeschool journal?


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Hi Everyone-


I don't post much but I know where to come when I have question.


I came across this product called Do-It-Yourself Homeschool Journal. There are several versions. But they all look the same.  The website doesn't provide many samples.


But there are a whole list of her books on Amazon. There's a plan book, timeline, grammar as well as this DIY Homeschool Journal.


Now, here's my question. I am looking at the journal as a part of independent study. I have 3 kids---7, 10, and 13. They're curious little monkeys and always thinking of new things they 

want to learn about. Like my 10 year old spent the summer learning about the Titanic just because she'd heard about it and wanted to know more.  :001_tt1:


The site presents these books like a core and one and only thing to use. I would not. And we would not do 10 pages and 4 hours a day! Also, I would have each kid do their own...own topic, own journal unless they were interested in the same thing. Even then, own journal.


Can someone tell me if there are other things out there like this for IS? Or, anyone used this? It's kinda new.






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I have the journal and tried to use it as an independent science curriculum. A few things I noticed were that the pages repeate every 7-9 pages (I don't remember the exact number), one of the pages encourages children to watch a video about the subject (which I had to find and preview ahead of time), and all the journals are the same.


I also had some issues that were probably unique to the specific child I tried to use it with (10 year old boy, VERY behind in reading) that caused me to stop using it altogether.


I know this doesn't exactly answer your question but hopefully it helps a little.

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I have the journal and tried to use it as an independent science curriculum. A few things I noticed were that the pages repeate every 7-9 pages (I don't remember the exact number), one of the pages encourages children to watch a video about the subject (which I had to find and preview ahead of time), and all the journals are the same.


I also had some issues that were probably unique to the specific child I tried to use it with (10 year old boy, VERY behind in reading) that caused me to stop using it altogether.


I know this doesn't exactly answer your question but hopefully it helps a little.



Yes, that does help. I was able to preview it on Amazon but only a few pages. So I was left wondering if it was a repeat every X number of pages. Thanks!

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