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Transition from SOTW to Omnibus


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I've got a 4th grader, in our 4th year of the SOTW cycle. Omnibus is looking attractive to me, which would start in 7th grade with Ancients, I believe. Does anyone have thoughts what history to do for the 5th and 6th years? I've got 2 more kids cycling through SOTW behind my oldest, so I'll be starting over with Ancients for them next year. But if I do that, and keep everyone together for history (which we love and it's so much easier), then my oldest will do an extra 2 years of Ancients and Medieval before he starts back on Ancients again with Omnibus. Is that clear as mud? I can't wrap my mind around this. Any suggestions??

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A couple of options we have thought through--


For 5th you could do a geography year, and 6th do the VP transitions class. And then start Omnibus in 7th.


What we are currently planning (we did the 4 year cycle 1-4)

5th grade: doing VP self paced NTGR

6th: SP Middle Ages

7th: (either VP SP U.S. history or another 1 year plan of US History)

8th: omnibus 1 or 3 depending on the year prior


We went this way bc I didn't feel like my dd retained enough the first cycle, and didn't think she would be ready for Omnibus in 7th. Also I had read that omnibus 1 was more difficult than omnibus 3...


Just a few things we are thinking through as well!

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What I did was just continue the history cycle and then jump into Omnibus.  What I WISH I had done, if I had planned ahead was maybe a year of American history and then for 6th grade, Veritas Press's Transition course where they cover world history in one year before starting Omnibus.

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