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Can anyone familiar with Saxon Algebra 1 2nd edition please help me?

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Dd is doing Foerster's and we're almost done except for the last two chapters-one chapter is Inequalities and and one chapter is Functions. She needs to finish by early Sept so she can start geometry in co-op.


Foerster's goes into SO much detail on these two topics and I want to cut it back to only what she needs to know so we can get done quickly.


So I borrowed Saxon Algebra 1 2nd edition from a friend. Can anyone please tell me what lessons I need to cover to give her the basics about Inequalites and Functions?


I am not math savvy so I have no idea. I do know Saxon breaks concepts up so we'll have to cover several lessons to get the whole thing, that's fine, I just need to know what chapters we need to cover!


And any preliminary skills she may need-for example, I see Saxon covers Domain by itself in one chapter, and I think she'd need to know about that to do functions, right?


HELP please!!! I would appreciate it soooo much!

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The answer to your question isn't really going to help you solve your problem about "what is the most essential coverage for the Algebra 1 topics of Inequalities and Functions."


I would look on KhanAcademy and work through his modules on Functions and Inequalities and let what he covers guide where I placed the emphasis on those 2 chapters of Foersters.


I don't have anything against the publisher in general, but I think it'd be easier to accelerate through the book you're most familiar with than to learn a new book with a system all of its own in a case like your own.


Even without using KhanAcademy, if you can give the lesson titles of the last 2 chapters from Foerster, I'm sure someone can help you par down which sections to cover in order to complete Algebra 1.



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Trying to get instruction in just one topic from Saxon is really a recipe for disaster, especially if you are not mathy yourself. You'd need to not just extract the information, but go through and pick out the problems that relate, plus pick out the problems that are relevant from the mixed review in future sections.  It would be much easier to try to pare down Foerster. 

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